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 Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial

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Personal Note : : I'm fire but blue!
Jumlah posting : 33
Lavicious Points : 5242
Fame : 0
Lokasi : Yerry's Dorm

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 4:48 pm

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial
Tutorial penggunaan timer di RMVX

Cekidot ajalah, di tuts ini gw bakal ngasih tau gimana cara menggunakan timer di RMVX, mungkin banyak yang bingung.


Ada event yang disediain RMVX buat timer (ga ribet). Ada di event page 1 Control Timer. Ada 2 bagian yaitu :

  • Start > Untuk memulai timer
  • Stop > Untuk menghentikan timer


Event timer bisa digunain buat banyak event. Seperti minigame :

  • Kabur dari gedung yang mau meledak
  • Keluar dari dungeon dlm waktu tertentu
  • Dll.


Saya akan menunjukan sebuah contoh penggunaan event Timer,
Hero disuruh kabur dari kastil selama 30 detik sebelum kastil runtuh! Jika gagal, akan game over.

2 Buah event, kita beri nama A & B

1. Kita buka event A, lalu buat jadi parallel process, trus buat code dibawah ini oke!
@>Control Timer : Startup (0min.30sec.)
@>Control Selfswitch : A = ON
2. Buka page 2 di event A
Di bagian condition, self switchnya di centang A is ON
3. Pada event B, buat triggernya jadi parallel process juga, trus buat code dibawah ini!
@>Conditional Branch: Timer 0 min. 1 sec. or less
@> Show Text : "Kamu kalah! Kastil sudah runtuh..."
@> Game over
: Else
Branch End
4. Test play, jadi deh timer kita !

Mudah-mudahan tutorial ini berguna bagi member-member lain. Kalau ada yg kurang jelas tinggal reply / PM saya ! :sembah:

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-Kai Runes-
-Kai Runes-

Jumlah posting : 51
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Self quote : : ♥♥ Royi ♥♥

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 5:20 pm


lumayan berguna nih, soalnya banyak yg bingung timer itu buat apaan (wa sendiri g ngarti makenya, malah bikin scriptnya sendiri =)) )
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Personal Note : : I'm fire but blue!
Jumlah posting : 33
Lavicious Points : 5242
Fame : 0
Lokasi : Yerry's Dorm

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 5:33 pm

Wahaha, thx~
Sebenernya gak layak. Tuts beginner gini XD Tapi ada yg request jadi saya post aja~
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Loli Queen
Loli Queen

Jumlah posting : 46
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Self quote : : LOLI!!!

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 5:34 pm

just a simple question, can we make a timer to stop other timer?

for example.,., when event a is active, it'll start a timer to stop the timer in event B..

a reply is aprecciated
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Personal Note : : I'm fire but blue!
Jumlah posting : 33
Lavicious Points : 5242
Fame : 0
Lokasi : Yerry's Dorm

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 5:44 pm

Kembangkan sendiri kreatifitasmu ... Itu event sederhana masa ga bsa lanjutin sendiri =))
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Loli Queen
Loli Queen

Jumlah posting : 46
Lavicious Points : 5271
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Lokasi : macassar
Self quote : : LOLI!!!

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 5:48 pm


i guess i can try.,., i'll post my result here (if i had one)
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Hartini Dominique

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Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 7:30 pm

wow, it's a great tutorial for beginners like me Thumb Up

I think we can just make a switch to be ON after a timer is activated, so on another event with other timer we can make it to stop if the switch is ON, can't we? Yea I haven't try it myself, but i think that could work, or not =))
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Personal Note : : Aku adalah orang ganteng asli Bandung. Kualitas bermutu!!!
Jumlah posting : 20
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Lokasi : Bandung, Indonesia
Self quote : : Aku adalah orang ganteng asli Bandung. Kualitas bermutu!!!

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 10:22 pm

wew... berguna banget ni event.. (kenapa? karena aku lupa.. :swt: )
dulu perasaan pernah baca yang beginian.. dari si yerry juga sih.. (jgn2 copas ya..?? hehe.. Very Happy )
tapi bagus, berguna untuk para newbie..

Eh, jangan pake Basa Inggris dong, lieur tau.. (maklum kebiasaan make basa sunda.. :kabur: )
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Personal Note : : I'm fire but blue!
Jumlah posting : 33
Lavicious Points : 5242
Fame : 0
Lokasi : Yerry's Dorm

Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial   Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial EmptyMon Apr 12, 2010 12:29 pm

thanks! But you are not a beginner right XD ?!

Thx for comment. About copas... Yes I'm copy it from RMID than paste it here Very Happy
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Yerry's RMVX Timer Tutorial Vide
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